Wednesday 3 December 2008

Seven Deadly Sins

I've been waiting for the moment when I'll finally get my first Advertising job.

Every application poses at least one very probing question.

One happened to ask...

Which of the Seven Deadly Sins is the worst?

I pondered over it for a while. Then I asked my applications advisor, but no sin seemed to really fit the bill.

Here's what I finally wrote.

If I was to be brutally honest, I'd say none of the seven sins are deadly. They can all be controlled by the power of will and each has its own positive bearing.

If it was not for (1) Lust; poetry, painting and all other forms of Art would be bereft of deep emotion. We would not know the difference between love and mere physical pleasure. Gluttony (2) and Greed (3), are over- indulgence or over- consumption of anything to the point of waste. Both always lead to a neurotic wasteland where everything is consumed. It is in its absence that the true worth of anyone/thing is realised. Sloth (4), in my opinion is not really a sin. It is mere procrastination or an unwillingness to care and can be easily corrected with determination. Wrath (5) is a disturbing and damaging emotion. Yet, it is a vital part of the process of realising our goals and aspirations. Envy (6) is a beautiful state of flux. It is a reminder of how we don't actually possess anyone/thing. We come to the world alone and have to leave alone. There is nothing wrong in being proud (7) of one's accomplishments. However, pride should not be mistaken for vanity.

I didn't think there was a right or wrong to this answer...
Of course I didn't get hired!


Shruti Sareen said...

That sounds like the Chandni I know!! good work!! and Moonlit Madness is the best name you could have come up with for your blog...
for not even telling me that you started a blog, you remain unforgiven... definitely...
and yes, invitations to mine...

Chandni said...

oh shruts...i am thrilled to read ur yay...ur the first one. i thought i shud tell u when i have a few more posts. anyway, who told u about my blog? deepti the green!?

Shruti Sareen said...

how am I the first one, chandni?? i think deepti posted before me... deepti didn't tell me, no, but I was on Deepti's blog and came through that...
and your visit to mine is still awaited...
was missing you soo much last night!! hence the missed calls... oops!! this is a blog, not a mail... I am incorrigible!!