Monday 15 December 2008

I've Cheated

It's been a few days, yes
a few days since
I cheated.

Original is also quite
unoriginal, if you ask me
because for all those people
who call themselves creative
Who knows the difference between
'being inspired' and 'cheating'?

Cheating obviously has other
implications like
being unfaithful.
This is particularly tricky
because if anyone ever
suspects you to have cheated on them
No amount of explanation
ever helps.
It's a lost cause
Better give up
you can cheat your
understanding of
your own patience.

So copyright your relationship
for the fear of being cheated
by your lover,
by your business partner,
by your best friend eyeing your wife
who can never get enough of her cooking,
by your boss who will happily give the credit
of your hard work to himself when you've won
the pitch.

And when you're cheating
and he doubts you,
tell him you were just 'inspired'.
See what your lover says then
and let me know.

6 comments: said...

Very nice. :)

When did you write this?

Chandni said...

a couple of minutes ago!heh
Thanks said...

Kya baat hai! :D

Deepti said...

so, whom did u cheat, ehh?? its nice, its a prose poem, isnt it??

Anonymous said...

hahahahha!! nice chandni!! tis unusual, but tis interentesing, nice.... yeah, it's more prose than poetry, isn't it??

Chandni said...

ya definitely more prosaic...thanks guys!!

n cheating!!!hehehe